Pop Up Foundation is an ecological enterprise which addresses the central challenge of our time: decoupling human progress from resource use and environmental decline.
To do this, Pop Up Foundation brings ideas and practical action for sustainable living to people in a coherent, accessible form, focused on practical action.
We know that a deeper relationship with our environment has a powerful healing effect for the people and for the earth. So we work with people in their places to design solutions based on daily life needs which are guided by the ethic of care - for th epeople and for the planet. This is both empowering and positive, in times of change it is a hopeful message for humanity to connect with.
We have learnt that all the small changes that we can make in lots of different places can be accumulated, shaped, recorded, and connected. By doing this we all gain because we have a greater compound effect.
We observe, study, guide and inform our focus on Place through a set of simple and powerful development programmes, these are explained further below.
Naturally Smart _
Naturally Smart is a toolkit that encourages critical thinking about place, leading to sustainable actions in that place.
The toolkit includes physical and digital resources, training and development programmes, gatherings, consultancy and support.
Naturally Smart is used in educational institutions across the world. We are also working with corporations to develop their Naturally Smart Profiles, contact us for more details

Naturally Smart Coffee
We provide Ethically Traded Coffee with the profits going back into sustainability projects.

School of Sustainability
Read our journal of news, information, and thoughts on sustainability.

A Dance In Time
A Dance In Time is a longitudinal study of our relationship to nature. Over a 30 year period (2015 – 2045) we will invite artists, scientists, writers, performers, and others to research and present work in Millemont forest, with one condition to leave no trace after our time there.